Would You Rather Game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Steltz, Dec 19, 2012.

  1. Million dollars
  2. Non .

    Would you rather be rich and ugly , and can't fix your ugly , or be poor and sexy ?
  3. Have the wish

    Non poisonous snakes
  4. So you would rather endure the pain of being bit multiple times then get one bite and die ?
  5. Rich and ugly
    I can make myself not ugly with money
    Would you rather be sliced in half with a chainsaw or hanged?
  6. She said you cant fix your ugly...
  7. changing answer to poor and sexy
  8. Non-poisonous snakes.

     They're my friends. I named a garter snake Steve.
  9. Would you rather always be too cold or always be too hot ?
  10. Always too cold
  11. Would you rather have a huge 4 inch long beak nose or a Voldemort nose for your entire life . No changing surgeries
  12. Voldermort nose. I can wear a fake nose 
  13. Loopholes FTW 
  14. Would you rather be the hulk or ironman?