Iexx ur probably just getting all ur big words form the dictionary and putting them in random spots which means that the crap that's flowing outta ur mouth is garbage
iExx, you have no fucking clue what ive been through in my life, whats happened to me, what i know, what i educate, so you're telling me to leave? I havent even started kid.
You can't even respond to me, when I am one who actually knows what I'm talking about. Personal experience, as well as knowledge through medical and psychological texts.
Missed the protection part? People berley use those then some 16 year old gets her life ruend by a baby!
You type your feelings and emotions. I have overcame my personal feelings years ago. You speak of gay animals? All I have to say is confusion has beaten the animal. I speak from personal experience with converting people exactly like you. They fully believe it is a natural occurring phenomena, I convince them otherwise. It was about a month ago I turned a 30 year gay man straight. It isn't a mental change or a gene that causes it if I can change people with such ease and haste.