Worst Pupil of All Times(Vote Tread)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Bella-Decker, Jan 22, 2016.

  1. It's called a joke. Have a sense of humor.
  2. Hado needs at least 3 more votes, but he has threatened all of us in tc if we vote for him.  I'd provide ss, but idk how.
  3. In the internet you need either "LOL" or "?" to be considered a joke & that jokes been used like 5x already ?

  4. Fear the pupil ?????
  5. You're all just horrible
  6. #4 is the worst 
  7. He threatened me too

  8. ???? fear the pupil ??
  9. I vote for James beast Ma Herb Overkill Mr Warrior or whatever the heck he goes by these days
  10. 00_Sticky sucks
  11. Voting extended until 5am gmt
  12. Not #2 obviously ??
  13. regarding my nomination (person number 17) i was just kidding shes fine , so i wana take back my nomination and vote, sorry sarcastic
  15. Trying to tarnish my name  I am the most respectful pupil there is!
  16. You struck my nerve with that comment, pal.