[World Cup] Raffle Prize Preview

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Jul 12, 2014.

  1. PimD, will the Avis be available in the store? And for how much?
  2. Hopefully I win a raffle as well... LETS GO GERMANY!!!!!
  3. I haven't won a single raffle till now! :( I hope I will win this atleast ;)
  4. I want that Germany avatars!!!
  5. i think the avatars will be on the store that cost 55ec,just guessing :roll: :| :roll:
  6. ^ most player know it already.
  7. I mean, sure 55ec.
  8. All the ticket Will come back to store for the monday final? I'm from France and i want to buy the ticket
  9. Can anime fans get a special ava
  10. ? i dont think i'll win..  never got anything
  11. Hey Pimd, I hope I win the Argentina avatars.
  12. Are y'all making any avatars for the World Cup or what?
  13. Will be win Germany and get ava
  14. Community ava is it free?
  15. 6 avis...??*shocked*
    U got inspiration from me right pimd?? *cough* :D
  16. QUESTION: If you buy a ticket for three different countries, will you be in the drawing for each country? Answer on my wall, please. x
  17. Dem pictures, I want japan, Korea and USA
  18. When will you chose the winners?
  19. Switzerland... :| why me?? (Kuriyama mirai)

    Im in switzerland lol =='