Wooed Awakening

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by ATAMarceline, Feb 6, 2019.

  1. rs test me please
  2. Lmao I asked this on like the 14th page
  3. Y’all keep asking that, it’s later in the hunt story presumably
  4. Wow they translated them horribly then in design.
  5. I think those will be the side story avatars available in the upcoming side stories. Keep an eye out :)
  6. I’ve stopped earning quizzes and I’m not sure what to do! I’ve been hitting parties and sneaking an eavesdrop on Cupid, but my filled out quizzes remain the same. 

    Does anyone know what’s up? I’m not the only one this is happening to and we are stumped!
  7. Why'd they use all the DP gifs but no DP avi ?
  8. Is 2800 quizzes the max for that side quest?
  9. Yes
  10. My rite-4-u quizzes are not being updated even if i hit the cupid..And earned those quizzes..What's happening???
  11. Me either
  12. Thank you:)
  13. You need to find someone with higher mags (not higher quizzes, they look the same) than you

    The system adds the quizzes together from both ppl and then multiplies it based on compatibility (there is a breakdown somewhere of what the emojis mean)

    Then your quizzes will increase
  14. Bump for myself ?
  15. Bump for myself too ?
  16. I have over 2k mags if anyone is still trying to grow their quizzes and beat the side hunt, you’re welcome to RS test with me.