I'm not eating your flat ass, foh. There's no black card being used here. Wtf is a neckbeard? Go tip a fedora? I DON'T GET WHITE JOKES AT ALL, SOMEONE NI GGALIZE HER TERMS SO I UNDERSTAND. YOU AREN'T A CHILD OF SIN, YOU WEREN'T BORN, YOU WERE SUMMONED.
Wow, I literally said in a previous post in this thread that I do not do this but ok. Talk about proving someone else’s opinion.
Also it’s two witnesses that don’t know the whole story, not very reliable. Men are in no way responsible for the things we women complain about. Not all men are bad, I believe I’ve also stated this before. I don’t hate men, I have no reason too. I simply said, based on what I’ve seen so far, that OP is the last person that needs to call themselves a “gentleman”. I’m sorry for saying it, I was super annoyed and ticked off at the time.