
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Inimical, Mar 2, 2019.

  1. You’re the last person who needs to be called a gentleman
  2. Kefo doesn't appreciate my gifs, so nah.
  3. You've got the wrong guy. I don't talk to anyone under the legal age consent nor do I do anything illegal with minors. If she ain't 18, there's no sexual contact.

    Also, isn't slandering me in this manner bannable? Like what? You're accusing me of some wps that YOUR friends do.

    And I'm not mad. You just seem like you're mad that you had to spend your life's savings on misc... just to hit me... after failing for so many years...
  4. @RoseMilkTea @Warmth

    She considers herself a feminist. She's a man hater. She thinks all guys are trash. In fact, it's so bad she accuses me of being sexist when I literally call both genders bi tches. This is what modern day, self proclaimed feminists do.
  5. And no, being a gentleman about something for the moment and being a gentleman in general have two different meanings. I noticed many have trouble with literature, don't feel too bad.
  6. I'm confused as to why I'm tagged in this
  7. ? I see. @Tyler Ciara wants you to clap her cheeks. We know you'll do it, because you're a ladies man.
  8. I just need like 2 witnesses? And I think you commented on this thread already? :cry:
  9. Like waaaayy back on the first page. I have no idea what yall debating i just got here. But okay, I'll witness
  10. Also i call both genders bıtches too. I don't discriminate
  12. Same goes the other way. If i wanna call a woman a døuche canoe i will

    not to her face, i aint about that life
  13. Tyler doesn't have any good gifs, so not him either.
  14. Riven?
  15. It’s incel my sweet child of god
  16. I mean if you’re referring to what she says in the quote, that doesn’t make her sexist or a “man hater”. I get what you’re saying, but she can still be a feminist lol even if she hated men, as long as she is still for 100% equality between everyone, it doesn’t matter ?
  17. Wait. Did you just call me a feminist?
    I’ll have you know that I call both genders bixtches and I hate both. I’m an equal opportunity hater. ? Also do not use the black card. Like wtf how low can you go dude. Plus you called yourself a “gentlemen.” Fuxking neckbeard. Go tip your fedora elsewhere.
    Also I get the impression that you think I’m white as hell am actually a mixed baby, a child of sin as most racists would claim. So I can use a white card and a black card...

  19. I wouldnt say one gender is better than other. But women have been oppressed for ages which i felt was wrong when i was a kid. But as i grew up I figured they enjoy the oppressions. They are masochists by nature. So i think men are the best for oppressing women
  20. except for that one time i drowned in the cat. other than that, yes.