:roll: all the stuff women do are parenting things? Really? Because the only time I see guys do the stuff women go through every day is special ocassions and single dads. Being a housewife is a full time job and obviously some of you boys don't get that.
One of my majors is gender studies, but I'm staying out of this one. I really hope some of you with your extremely misogynistic comments are just trolling
We can't do that because men won't let us. And when we DO get to do that. We only get half the recognition.
This thread has to be a joke. I suspect you've all been trolled here. If anybody here agreeing with OP actually feels that way, I wish you and your hand all the best.
It's a stupid thread designed to spark controversy and get a bit of attention I hope.or someones got some f*cked up idea of women
There isn't a double standard in the eyes of actual feminists because violence in general is negative. Feminism is the belief that opportunities shouldn't be available for only some and not others; everyone deserves the opportunity for a peaceful home life.
so I'm gonna get a lot of hate for this but go for it I honestly believe that women should stop trying to take on a men's role. They are the stronger gender. I'm a tough girl, but never in my life would I ever compare myself to a man. It's when a woman tries to be equal gender that problems arise in society and In the household. I was taught to submit to a man, not be equal with him but that's just me
At the end of the day all i have to say is do you really wanna see a man take care of a child he gonna be fighting,stealing,etc we dont know how to take of kids but unlike some we are willing to learn.
There would not be a thing called Feminism if Women of the older generations were not so goddamn lazy that the trait got passed down to women who became lazy in this day and age. If Women just tried something new, like if more women did manual labor, people would stop those women from working and call it Women abuse even if the women were really willing to work for the sake of themselves and or their children. Women have like a permanent bi-polar attitude, while Men have something similar to the Bi-polar disease but it gives you one emotion, so, replace put in place of that Emotion - Anger. Women are always so needy. Men are always so angry. To be honest, I don't really care about Womens Rights, because there is a thing called "Discipline" that we all went through childhood, everyone has experienced pain, especially Men, and Men are know to be troublesome, so they would experience this "Discipline" more than Women. Now, don't start bringing in Domestic Abuse or Child Abuse or Child Rape, because there are pedophiles who also go for boys, not just girls. That's like saying.... "Think about the positive, not the negative" it's also like saying, "Think about others before you think about yourself" Usually, Women who really demand rights for Women, are just lazy assholes. While Men who are Masculinists = Male Equality, are tired of Feminists and are tired of being the Alpha. This is why they say Women are the weaker sex, because of women asking for rights, and that they say that women are fragile and are like flowers, then people say Womens Rights? That's just downright stupid. If you want your Womens Rights so badly, then be a human being a stand up, don't just hop on bandwagons of feminists, be yourself, try to cool it down, because we all don't live forever, so don't waste your time,enjoy life to the fullest. If you are being abused, report it, if you are being bullied, report it, stand up for yourself, don't be so prideful to seek help, or else in the end, you will just lose to yourself. I have a 2 sisters, and I am the only guy. When I was young and my sister started the fight, my parents would always think I started it first and or make it look like my fault, which I hated. Usually Feminism and Masculinism come from Experience, other than that, you are just person hopping onto the bandwagon, and saying what other people are saying, just be yourself, say your opinion and just back-off if you are not part of the people with "Experience" Also, I agree with the post above, but parents will go through anything for teir kids, even if it means committing crime. FIN
Also, I did not go on the forums to comment on a thread like this, I just came to look for a Farm list. ?
Uhmm... Women do the same thing as men.. Just because you get arrested when you hit a woman doesn't mean crap. Some of us are the only one providing a family with food and clothes and working to pay bills while y'all lazy behind men are sitting on your butts drinking and playing poker with your lazy friends. So don't go around saying women don't do things and have different rights cause some women are also in the army..
It is one thing to submit and have an equal respect for each other and to be given the same treatment as a guy. It is another to submit to a man and at the same time be disrespected and treated as an object rather than a person. What I mean by this is women can submit to a man but if the man is respectiable he will have equal duties as women. Such as washing dishes and cleaning the house and taking care of the kids. If a man treats you as a object women do everything. He sits on his ass telling you make my sandwich and do the laundry. Ordering you around like a slave.