Really Jack smh cause a decent guy comments he must be under the thumb smh tame a long hard look in the mirror and hae a word wae urself
I mow my lawn. My husband works from sun up to sun down and my son's are to young to cut the grass so I do it. Your a perfect example of a pig
Rose, I treat women the same as any man. No special treatment from me. I had a girlfriend who had a flat tire on her car, She wanted me to change it. But I didn't, I taught her how to change the tire. She was pissed as hell. She hated it. I ain't gonna change no tire. I ain't going to treat you special because you have boobs, butt and can deepthroat.
You guys have no idea do u i mean tale my father he done NOTHING didnt work didnt clean didnt look after us kids just pissed off out with his friends sit on a computer drinking etc You need more respect for women my mum is the strongest woman i know she brought all 4 off us up done housework shopping everything on her own till i was old enough to help Was my mum took me to all my hospital appointments was there during all my ops she was there always where was he he was like uz women should do everything When my mum passed away when i was 14 all fell on me look after my wee bro and sisters everything while that lowlife sat doing nothing But we r the bad ones really DONT SAY ALL WOMEN R THE SAME And im sorry but this forum has really pissed me off
By the way, I don't know how people act. But my respect is earned not given I don't give a flying crap If you're a woman. PS: that does not mean I will disrespect you. I'm just not going to blindly give my respect.
Lol I haven't disrespected all women. I don't even know every woman in the world to do such a thing. :O
? When are you children gonna learn? ?? It's all about earning and displaying respect for each other. If you want a man or woman to respect you, you have to give them something for them to respect you for.
No jackhole, i just know how to respect women, you do understand your mom is a woman, your sister is a woman (if you have one), you should have so much shame and be angry at the fact that this disrespect has gone on for so long.