women rights

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by oG_MaGic_oG, Mar 18, 2015.

  1. Lawlz4days
  2. Girls are icky, they deserve nothing.
  3. Enough off the cheek look im a woman and proud im happy enough to stand in the kitchen cook clean etc but i can still speak my mind and at end off day no need to talk to women like their nothing im happy being a housewife all i ask is for a bit off respect.
  4. He was a woman trying to become a man and the father of the baby was his wife who is really a man trying to become a woman... your statement is invalid
  5. I thought feminist were women who hated men....
  6. You're an idiot.  Feminism is gender EQUALITY numbskull. Women get arrested for hitting men as well!

    Anyone who thinks feminism is some man-hating cult needs an education. ?
  7. Stop it. Woman up.
  9. Lol... That's the Job of a parent. You have a kid - you look after them. What do you want? A reward?
  10. The only lawn a woman knows how to mow is the lawn in between their legs.

  11. Ew, Jack. Didn't know you had such a fetish...
  12. I can't help it :O
  13. If anybody wants a shave, ask Jack. He does it better than most shaving kits...

    And he also makes salads out of them.
  14. Lol seems I hit a sore spot on this person.
  15. This is is the most sexist forum i have ever been in and im requesting lock cause this is breaking ToU and CoU with its harmful and discriminatory posts.

    You "guys" are just a bunch of animals and i pray to God that these women are not throwing me in with yall cause you are disgusting (save those who defended women).

    Yall dont deserve the privilege of having the pleasure and happiness of being with a women and if you have one i feel so sorry for her that she has to be with boys when looking for a man, again yall make me sick, women do more crap then any of us guys do, and cause yall are not bright enough let me give an example:
    You animals get them pregnant and they have to go to work with the pain of having your child inside them,

    They have to deal with their partners leaving them as soon as they get pregnant in some cases,

    They have to deal with the everyday struggle of having to prove themselves to be a valuable employee at their jobs cause of pigs like yall

    And i cant even remember everything that i was going to say cause i am so disgusted when i read this forum, yall need to wake the hell up and realize yall dont have it nearly as bad (save for some guys who i do not include), ugh pigs all of you...
  16. Feminism is fine,it's just equality.it's the feminazi's that are batsh!t crazy.they hate all men.period

    (pardon the pun)
  17. As I Said Before Dont Tar All Women With The Same Brush.

    You Guys Dont Like It When We Tar You All With The Same Brush Luckly There Are Some decent Guys Out There Most Guys In This Forums Need To Grow Up!!!
  18. his thread is pretty amusing ?
  19. I like how a little alt acct. Can cause so much conflict.
  20. This is discussing behaviour ill have u know i used to mow the lawn from the age 14 as i used to help my Mum do it you all need to grow up and treat women how they should be treated