Well.. There's equality.. And then there's justice. Where equality doesn't always mean justice whereas you can hit a man/woman, but would it be the right thing to do? ? Also, if you believe in feminism, you're not a feminist. You believe in equality but really, everything you say and do tells us that a different story. You shouldn't get privileges just because you're female. Or be treated like royalty because you're female. That's gender inequality. You're basically a hypocrite. Now I'm just going sit back see who gets pissed off at my post or whatever responses I get from this because I have nothing better to do.
Equality doesn't always effect the geneders it can come close towards Race, Belifs, ext. It also doesn't also have to involve violence if said person wants equality. Depending on what's it for would it even be the reasonable thing to do per say. Stating that violence and equality as a thing is probably less likely to be a thing at all. If anything when I see equality it's just everyone should be treated the same and no one should be the infumos Black Sheep disgrding the persons: Race, Gender, Belifs, or even Views. No one should be getting treated any less because in the end everyone still has a sense of feeling regardless of what ethnicity or gender they are. Violence isn't always Key here.
If you want equality let's make every bathroom both sex and every change room... Woman pick and choose what they want equal,whats best for them not everyone
Would love to see a man push a kid out. Ha once you can do that only then will us women decide whether or not you should be allowed equal rights of women. Shoot that beats anything something y'all can't do. Therfor get over it and go make me a sandwich.
Oh doing hard work is tough. Who takes care of the kids? Who almost never sleeps just to get up make your food, do chores, make dinner, put the kids to bed, up all hours of the night with the baby crying? Ever think how a women feels always doing house work? Who says that women don't mow the lawn? I do. Men take what women do for granted not knowing how tiring half the shit we do is.
The simple solution is to not have kids. :| They're a waste of time, money, and effort. But I guess that doesn't work, because most people can't seem to keep their stick and box away from each other anyway.
^ if that was a simple solution this world would die. Besides kids are awesome I love them. It's just that guys take it for granted what we do that makes me upset. :roll: If you don't want kids fine but that's not a solution.
First ever man has given birth to a child I think not too long ago. Now,imma go get myself a sammich and yah I'm a dude.