Women only!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by TexasCrip, Mar 12, 2019.

  1. Too bad smart isnt one of your criterias :(
  2. Doesn’t bother me, I’m hardworking
  3. Pls don't flirt here. Op will get butthurt
  4. No ones flirting
  5. In any case, don’t wish to derail the thread! Good luck OP you know what you need to do
  6. Everybody can quit commenting on this I done gave up idgaf anymore..
  7. Flirt with me bb
  8. My mom said flirting is bad so i unlearned it
  9. Best of luck

    Great place to ask for opinions

  10. :(
  11. Jose is my name by the way for those who don't know
  12. The woman on the ss is just as desperate as u. Congrats! You found a perfect match for yourself
  13. If you have to defend yourself by saying this stuff, then maybe you are a loser :/ you're being perceived as one
  14. perceived* youre welcome
  15. you're*
  16. I dont use apostrophe cuz it involves work
  17. Bump for OP