Women only!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by TexasCrip, Mar 12, 2019.

  1. Satoshi, TexasCrip said he could smell you from Texas.

    TexasCrip, Satoshi said not everything is big in Texas, if you know what I mean.

  2. I would beat his ass
  3. Stop trying so hard bro
  4. Trying with what?
  5. Yummy tea
  6. Multiple people have told you why you ain't gettin any!

    Add "not a listener" and "overly defensive" to the list of things that is unattractive about you.
  7. This why u aint landing no chicks. U gay as fùck
  8. :lol:
  9. Your gay for thinking like that. HOMO..
  10. Your gay for thinking like that. HOMO..
  11. Your gay for thinking like that. HOMO..
  12. You're*
  13. Your gay for thinking like that. HOMO..[/quote]


    Bet you feel smart now don't you..
  14. ^Bet you feel smart after messing up that quote
  15. Lol even your hairline can't stand being near your face
  16. TexasCrip confirmed as an incel :/
  17. Maybe it's because you're needy
  18. Because you have a face of a cheater, my dude.
  19. If you count nailing over 50 chicks at 24 an incel then Iguess I'm an incel lol..
  20. ???