Wolf Check This

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -SIN-WfPk-_OG-Jones-, Aug 2, 2014.

  1. ^ attention seeking noob who thinks hes cool by posting negative crap on every thread.
  2. Roses are Red
    Violet are Blue
    Man.U are Red
    Chelsea are Blue
  3. Says the statless alt :) what's the matter don't have balalaika to post with main. Or is this you're nooby main 

    And yes I am a attention whore for telling op it's a copy low life scum someone's got to do it
  4. I reset because i felt like nub.
    And this isnt a copy of shit. Op felt like making a thread regarding something thats been made so he did. You cant change it. So why whine like a little bitch???
  5. If you think whining is giving someone the cold hard truth, you them really need to rethink your life.

    Just cos I shot down every crap reason doesn't mean you need to get butt hurt :)

    and you reset :lol: you do know you keep your achievements when you reset, me thinks lie and very bad lie. If you truly did reset you'd be the biggest noob here
  6. I gave away my main account to a relative who plays this game.
    i disconnected.
    I started fresh.
    I gave that away.
    I factory reset phone.
    I started fresh.
    I reset.
    Im here now.

    I cant explain how invalid your grammatically incorrect argument is you toenail clipping. You just felt like bashing someone for something that had peanuts to do with you which is what trolling is. You need to re examine your bullcrap excuse of an argument dipstick.
  7. So you did all that just to be a statless alt nice 

    You do know I don't believe you one bit :) do you need some lube with that butthurt ?
  8. So I'm lurking in forums right and I see someone called a "toenail clipping" and just had to comment
  9. Personally, I really don't see the point in being a negative Nancy when this thread is positive.
  10. your argument about me lying is invalid. this is the old acc that my brother who is currently with me now uses.

    your argument about op is invalud seeing as youre the only troll who felt like pitching up nub!

    your whole purpose is invalid. go crawl back to the sewers where you hatched from
  11. Youd probably make up some lame excuse now about koala being a friend who posted for me to pretend i had an old main.
    i dont know how hard you were dropped from your mothers womb at birth to be this stupid, but its actually sad.
    Anywho. Youre now invalid. So shooo
  12. See I was saying you a statless alt ;) you're the one saying you reset, so who's the lier
  13. Too afraid to get hit,

    Statless stat problem
  14. alt* :lol:
  15. firstly, its liar.

    Secondly, i did reset. I was -69-purplepanda-69- yesterday and i reset this morning. So youre wrong again

    Thirdly. Statless = without stats. I clearly have some stats. And im not upgrading by choice. I could easily dv myself and do it if i wanted to.

    Fourthly - invalid. Invalid. Invalid. Invalid. Everything you say is wrong. You aint got shit on me bruh.
  16. Okay. If you really want it true and specific.

    4/10 stat resetter
  17. @I-_-I if that comment was at me its not up to me to decide whether koala will hit you since its no longer mine.
    I also wouldnt farm a person over a debate. If im wrong i accept my defeat and walk away with my tail between my legs. I dont get personal and emotional. If you feel im wrong you should say so. All i can do is argue back my opinion
  18. Firstly: correcting my spelling invalid argument, only thing you have against me

    Secondly: was a useless low stat account, other wise would have a lot of achievements

    Thirdly: yes 14 cs really doesn't make you statless, statless with someone with no or next to no stats i.e. You

    Forth: I can see you're butt hurt considering you have nothing valid to say, is you 5 cos I'm having difficulty trying to under stand how a 17 year old can't write should bull crap
  19. Check you stat if you don't remember it.