CONTEST WINNERS Winners of the Masquerade Raffle! 🎭

Discussion in 'Contests' started by ATAClaptrap, Jun 2, 2022.

  1. they are winning a box tho lmao, everyone who purchased more then a certain amount of ticket is GUARANTEED a box
  2. It says in the og post buying more tickets does increase chances. Just like y'know raffles and lottery.
    insatiablevixen_, Hooters and Ciara like this.
  3. just a box. oh my god! a box!
  4. y’all really sitting here arguing with people for a BOX! do not reply to me anymore if this is all you’re going to tell me. 💀
  5. buying a bunch of tickets knowing you might not get more than a box:
    Affliction, _HeIium_, Ch and 10 others like this.
  6. Congrazzles 🎉🎈 to the winners 👏🏽❤️
    RiiiBaeeee-, Julcyfruit and Hooters like this.
  7. Very underwhelming 🫠oh well
  8. Only got the box for buying 12🥺 although very sure I wont be the only one disappointed with this
    Believe, xDemonx, Lumi and 5 others like this.
  9. Getting real tired of taking an L on all possible contests and trivias… 😔
  10. Totally waste of money spent 40+ just for one box talk and the real scammers her ata
  11. I think everyone got there guaranteed box thats all it is
    EmoEmmy and insatiablevixen_ like this.

    RIP to those who bought tons of tix and won nothing. 😵
    _HeIium_ and Hag like this.
  13. Do we get another, or is just the one cause I bought 31 raffles
  14. did anyone win win and get stuff or .. did they just send out guaranteed boxes first ?
  15. This is the the problem a message should have gone out to the winner letting them know they cos we got no clue like what if we win and don't get our items we not know
    -Bunny likes this.
  16. Same 😭
  17. U can only win once from the 1,111 Grand Prize Pool, but you can win multiple times from the 10,000 Runner Up Prize Pool
  18. Tbh its not on ATA if you both 31 tix but didn't win. It is called "raffle" meaning players get chosen by random not by how many they buy. A 50/50 gamble.
  19. That’s what I wanna too bc I bought 42 🥺
  20. My friend has 452 tickets for one box. I really hope more is coming in soon because this is just simply sad.

    I know we take full responsibility for our spending and no one told us to spend that much (like previous people have argued), but really? I truly expect a little bit more for someone with 400+ tickets. 😢
    -SCF-Aileen, _HeIium_, -Bunny and 3 others like this.