Will You Marry Me ?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Its_Yoo_Boy_Gabe, Aug 1, 2014.

  1. Leave us Alone !! 
  2. So ops single? Do you mind if I mingle?
  3. Poor guy just had his heart ripped out on an app. Confidence at a new low.
  4. Gabe where the fuck is my child support money?
  5. Shady 
  6. OMG somebody play that papa roach song
  7. I haven't got paid yet 
  8. Real house wives of: PimD 
  9. "She loves me not
    Life's not fair "
  10. Gabe and Maddie; I suggest you see your nearest RP Couple's Counselor/Marriage Counselor depending on how this RP Marriage works out for you.

    You're Welcome.

    I'm here all night.
  11. We have to keep this Post Active 
  12. Ouch sorry gabe 
  13. Will do.
  14. I'm a certified RP online therapist.
  15. So do we leave you alone or keep this active?
    Mixed messages here op.
  16. He was denied. Is she prego already tht she called it quits? FIND OUT THT N MUCH MORE IN 20-30 MINUTES
  17. OMG guys, this laughing isn't good. ?STAHP!
  18. Come to me my children. 