Wierd names

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Hill_, Jun 29, 2011.

  1. Ik but it is fun isn't it? :lol:
  2. Nope this ones real her mom named her after her two favorite things in the world
  3. Also knew a girl named silvery blue jackowski. She said her parents were hippies. ๎€‘
  4. im not kiddin but some1 named their daughter facebook
  5. Spiderman carries his birth certificate on him to prove that's his real name.
  6. Someone named their daughter apple
  7. Oh yeah I heard about the Facebook person.
  8. Wasn't there a Facebook thing where this one guy had to do something and if not he had to name his daughter Optimus prime? o.o
  9. Oh rly?

  10. I know som1 named baby doll
  11. I know som1 named baby doll
  12. I've heard about someone who named their daughter Like. ๎’he was inspired by fb
  13. I saw someone named Gordita...that translates to "Little Fat Girl" in Spanish
  14. Lol i know sum1 named farve
  15. Chadwick, Chadothy, n Chadopher