It's not offensive. They need to be pricier than standard non-vegan places or else they wouldn't be able to stay in business. When/if veganism and/or using vegan options sometimes becomes more mainstream, it'll get cheaper. For now, their clientele is kinda small
Had to add that since most vegans I know are sensitive. Anyway, true I am not a vegan but some restaurants i've been to are pretty good
I feel like the high prices drive people away from becoming vegan tho. One of the biggest critiques of veganism is how expensive it is.
Yeah. Obviously they don't need to be cheap af, for what Wednesday said. But I don't think they need to be as jacked up as they are. But idk much about economics, just purely speaking as a consumer ;0;
That makes it difficult but they don't have many options when they have to pay rent and afford all the food and everything. Some places that make it more affordable are usually non-vegan places that have a vegan night. For example, there are 2 restaurants in my city, an Ethiopian place and an Indian place, both buffets, and once a week they both have a vegan night. But aside from that they cater to omnivores so it's easier for them to make it affordable when they have vegan nights.
Plus almost everything needs to fresh, vegetables can go bad easily wherein meats can be frozen. I guess that's one reason why