Smh...these updates r taking too long, please update already, if it's ur problem about not having an editor than I'll help u, just plz update's become an annoying cliffhanger...
I'm sorry I've been offline but I'm gonna start updating weekly again including an update by tomorrow
I remember when I used to edit this. Then I completely went off writing and stopped. Now fanfiction has gone down the drain yet again, I don't believe I shall be editing again.
*emergency weather report Several Earthquakes have started hitting the pacific rim.* The drums pounded. *we have reports of hurricanes over Japan and Santa Monica, not typhoons, hurricanes.* The rhythm of the guitar blew through them. *the water lever around pacific rim countries seems to be reseeding not flooding over in the power of the storm. This just in Hawaii has been washed away by a tilde wave nothing is left.* The base flowed through them. *volcanos are erupting as if the whole ring of fire has...[shzzzzzz]* Her voice exploded with fiery passion. The earth cracked more allowing the lava to flow up from the center of the pacific and a hand of fire shot forth from earth. The storms sucking air out to keep the fire burning as it left the atmosphere. And then the water rose up and turned the lava to rock sending the rock blasting towards the sun. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!" Elizabeth had appeared onto stage in all her angelic glory pulling sandy from her feet and holding her in the air. The music stopped the crowd watched in horror as the watched the angel hold the girl in the air. "Mom it was just a song. Calm down." Elizabeth stared at her daughter. "no sandy it's the end of the world.... And it's all you're fault." ..... The rock crashes into the sun and the sun it's self starts to split around it. "I am freed." A claw reached forth from the sun. ..... The earth shook. Death could feel it hell was opening heave was befalling them. Gabby laughed loudly to her self. "No more shinigami silly little thing." And all of a sudden she no longer looked demonic the little girl had com back. Innocents had returned to her eyes "will your other friends try to kill me to mr. Death...." She sniffles about to cry. "No gabby I will protect you from them I swear." Death hugs Gabby not anther thought in his mind.
The sun...... Merciless, vengeful, and unforgiving. But through all of time it has been worshiped as the source of life. It makes crops grow. it brings warmth to those who are cold. In all religion in all the thoughts of every man the sun was good. Lucifer was never locked away in some evil fiery pit he was help in our hopes in a big fiery ball of hope. ...... "The gates of hell have opened. Descend upon the demon hoard." Gadreil raised his sword into the air and dove to earth the army of angels following in his wake. ...... Michael walked into the room slowly "let her go. You know what's she is now. I have to stop her before she can ever hurt any one." Black tears feel to the floor as death held onto gabby he could let her go. "She's just a little girl." "She is the daughter of the devil! She will kill......." "Mr. Death please protect me." The evil smile spread across the demonic little girls face as she hid her face in deaths chest. pretending to be scared, weak, and unable to fight. "Do not listen to her she's a demon!" Death stood up slowly. He raised his scythe high above his head. "I'm sorry gabby." Death whispers And slashes the scythe downward. ...... Luke's fist smashed into Elizabeth's stomach making her drop sandy. Luke then twists quickly around the angel throwing her off the stage. "Hi there I'm Luke guardian of water." Ben leaps through the air a dagger in his hand and he stabs it through Elizabeth's wing pinning her to the ground. "Hi I'm Ben guardian of rock. And that's Charlie." Ben stands up and points at Charlie standing on stage aiming a gun at Elizabeth. "He's the guardian of air. Now he really doesn't want to shoot an angel so stay down." Ben drops bowing to sandy. "HAIL. Sandy our leader the guardian of fire." Sandy jumps back mumbling to her self. "My moms not an angel wait is my mom an angel? Why is my mom an angel? Wait leader? Guardian of fire? No it's not true. It's not true!" She falls to the ground grabbing her knees and tucking her head into he legs trying to hide her self away not even realizing she was covered in fire.
Wow, great update, keep them coming (specially with less wait time in between)...I'm looking what I think is to come and what's been said
Sandy's immense power radiated off of her as she held heard head. Her head was burning as if some one took a rode spike and shoved it through her eye. Of course some one did. ... London 1954 ... A young girl appears laying on a table. Her appearance is similar to sandy's but she appears older maybe a couple years her hair is longer and a little bit dirtier. Her face covered in dust and blood. A metal rail road spike sticking out of her eye. A ticket to a concert slips from her hand. ... Brazil 1843... Another girl similar to sandy. Darker skin hair a bit blacker. Pinned to a tree with odd tribal looking weapons. Her eyes see over the tribal band playing. She had decided to watch them play earlier today and now she was dead. ... Egypt before common dating... The daughter of the pharaoh scream as the royal priests pin her down to the mummification table. her long red hair spread out under her as she struggles. The main priestess enters the room and slowly draws the ritual dagger. The pharaoh's daughter was scared she had only asked for her personal musicians. Then Elizabeth's face came in close and clear. the fire of the torches lighting only half of it but her angelic beauty was unmistakable even though she was the high priestess. Elizabeth drives the dagger into the pharaoh's daughter. ... Brazil 1843 3 min earlier... The girl scream as the first spear plunges through her pinning her to the tree. Then the hunter appears from the shadows. Elizabeth stabs weapon after weapon into the girl. ...London 1954... The girl is ripped off the street by a powerful hand. Elizabeth slams the girl onto a table and then plunges the spike into her eye. Then Elizabeth took the hammer and drove the spike the rest of the way in. ... Now ... Sandy slowly stood up. "33 times. I have lived 33 times and every time I died while heading to a concert and every time I died by your hand..... Mother!" Fire swells spinning around sandy. "Burn in hell you angel filth!" The blast of fire launches Elizabeth through the wall and into the streets she lay unmoving and then some thing grabs her leg and wing. Elizabeth screams as three large red demons lift her into the air ripping her wings from her body. "Drop her in the pit." A demon pronounces and Elizabeth is dropped into a dark fiery hole the hands of the dammed reaching for her beautiful angelic form. ... New York... Gadriel slices at a demon cutting it and the Empire State Building in half the army of angels slowly Descends upon the streets of New York. "We shall take New York and it shall be a haven for all!" Gadriel barked at his troops at the demons started coming out of the streets faster and more often.
Bumping this so I can work on it this weekend. if you have any questions feel free to asked it'll help me work out any plot holes if any have appeared yet.
You have ALL Been Infiltrated!!! I (with the authorization of our President Warrior)am the new Warden Of Fan Fiction All Who Oppose Me...Watch Your Fate Below!: To ALL Who Dare Oppose:
Death let go of his scythe. He had made his choice. He would protect her forever. Death pulled the scythe from Michael's head. Michael was dead but how? No single death has he power to kill an arch angel. How did he? Death stared deep into his blade and he saw it. He saw what the black smoke had been.... The souls of death. His sisters stared back at him. Only it didn't feel like his sisters it felt like it was part of him. As if he was staring into his own soul. Suddenly he snapped out of it when gabby said. "Come on mister death there's a bunch of big scary men out side... Will you protect me from them as well?" Death looks down at the sweet little girl and smiles "of course I will." ....... Thanos sits in the white light of the black room. "I call to order this meeting of the counsel." Ogbunabali, Mara, hel, and Kisin appear in the room. Thanos smiles widely "I have called this court because our number are dwindling." Kisin watches Thanos closely. "And what do you suggest Thanos." Thanos smiled widely. "We kill death he caused the apocalypse. He also killed our kin." Ogbunabali gets up and leaves. Mara stands slowly. "We can not respond by killing more of our brothers." And then Mara disappears from the room. Kisin stands up slowly. "I am disappointed Thanos." Kissing disappears. Hel smiles wide. "I will help you Thanos. But only if we can kill the rest."
I'm kissing my drive to write this story there are parts of it I like but ya so I'm gonna be starting a new story soon hopfully I actually want to write it this time around