why would you be scared only death is in the dark

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by steelwolfe2, Sep 4, 2012.

  1. Yeah...October 1st was the last update, u can just go back and see it for yourself, either way it's been too long...
  2. {hey so I have up on the editor ill be editing them my self from now on this one is not so edited because I didn't want to waist any more time so enjoy and please ignore the errors if there are any}
    Izanami-no-mikoto spins around to face her baby sister.
    "shinigami.... Wha... What are you doing here?"
    Izanami-no-mikoto backs away slowly. Shinigami smiles wide "you killed 3 of my big brothers. Lets play a game."
    Chains shoot out of the walls and impale Izanami-no-mikoto's wrists and ankles pinning her to the wall. She winces in pain and surprise.
    Shinigami looks shocked as well.
    "Izanami-no-mikoto you didn't scream. I like hearing people scream. I guess I'll have to try harder."
    Shinigami picks up Anubis' blade and steps towards Izanami-no-mikoto. She then slowly draws the blade across Izanami-no-mikoto's skin. Slowly one by one long strips of Izanami-no-mikoto's skin peel off until Izanami-no-mikoto let's out a blood curtailing scream. A wave of power releases with her scream.
    Standing in the next room gabby grabs her ears and falls to the ground as the scream of death washes over her.
    Elizabeth walks into her home closing the door behind her.
    "Sandy, Lory I'm home."
    Lory's eyes grow wide as she hears her mother voice.
    "I'm up here mom."
    "Where's your sister?"
    Lory swallows loudly and says.
    "She went.... Out."
    Elizabeth appears in the door way to Lory's room.
    The wave of deaths scream washes over them and lory falls to the ground her long brown hair starts blonde her eyes start turning blue and large white wings start ripping out from her back. she screams in pain.
    "Mom? Mom? Please help me. what's happening?"
    The blood drips from Lory's back as she sees her mother stand over her. The shining angel Elizabeth looks down at her daughter her wings spread wide.
    "Where is your sister?"
    Lory screams in pain and says.
    "She went to the guardian concert."
    Sandy and Sarah walk back stage and Sarah passes out instantly at the site of the band. Luke the bassist walks over his long white hair falling around him.
    "Is she alright?"
    Sandy just stares at the band members. Luke, the bassist was tall skinny he was in shape and he had long white hair, Ben, the drummer had crusty dark skin black eyes and short cut hair, and Charlie, the guitarist smiled his small skinny body topped with the face of some one very young but some one very old living behind his green eyes.
    Luke blinks surprised.
    "Um? are you ok?"
    Sandy snaps out of it.
    "Ya... Ya I think...."
    All four of them collapse to there knees in pain there hands burning as the wave of deaths scream rolls over them the white fire appears and burns the symbol of the guardians on there hands. Sandy stares at her hand.
    Michael and death stare at each other. Death breaks the silence.
    "I'm guessing the plan is to seal me away with your sword like you did the devil? Acutely I always meant to ask why a sword?"
    Michael smirks.
    "It has to be personal to seal away some ones soul. like that I have to feel your blood on my hand and feel your last breath. so I can truly choose how you're sealed."
    "So it's sadistic and it made you sadistic?"
    Michael looks up angrily.
    "No I had to kill my brother with....."
    Both freeze as the scream of death rolls over them. Death disappears.
    Death appears in the room as shinigami takes her fifth strip of skin from Izanami-no-mikoto.
    "Shinigami stop."
    Shinigami looks up at death.
    "Because you idiot the scream of a death god is supposed to awaken all the power within all the half humans. We can only hope your blundering didn't activate it. Gabby? Are you ok?"
    Gabby walks into the room her hair black as midnight. she smiles as she opens her eyes the whites of her eyes blood red.
    "I'm sorry death. But, it's too late the guardians are going to wake up my real daddy and his armies will spill onto earth."
    Gabby laughs into the air.
  3. Wow...great update; although the wait took too long, the result was almost worth it...almost...keep up the good work.
  4. The night was still outside.
    The blackest night ever.
    It was his fault.
    For death this moment lasted forever.
    The look on gabby's face was that of pure evil.
    Was it all his fault?
    Did he cause this?
    She was the daughter of lucifer he could see it now. He felt so stupid he should have known. He watched her so closely. She laughed at the look of terror on the nurses face. She watched her human father die in front of her and she was unfazed.
    At that moment he decided. He made a decision that would shape the whole world.
    Like that time started again...
    Shinigami's arm slowly swung forward letting go of the knife. Death's mind moving at a hundred miles an hour. He could see the knife leave her finger.
    The scythe had blocked the knife and was through shinigami's chest before ether of them knew what had happened.
    "B...big? Big brother? Why...." Shinigami's body falling and evaporating into black energy as she falls.
    Sandy stood up on stage standing at the mike staring at the crowd of people in front of her waiting for the concert.
    She didn't know what had happened. But when she stood up she knew she had to sing for the band. They knew she had to sing for them. She didn't know any of there songs though.
    And now she stood there staring out at the crowd of people in front of her. She was frozen she couldn't move, her face was red, her hands where sweaty, and she began to
    Close in on her self unable to speak or move.
    Even as Luke said to the crowd that sandy would be singing she couldn't believe it. Then they started playing and the music shot through her she knew the words to the song. Almost as if she had written them her self..... Then she froze.
    The band stopped playing and Luke goes up to the mike and laughing says "one second folks."
    He then walks over to sandy and whispers in her ear quietly.
    "I promise you can do this sandy just trust your self. ok?"
    Sandy nods un surly to Luke.
    With a smile on his face he says "Alright folks lets try this again"
    The music starts again this time flowing through her more powerfully then before.
    Just as the song is about to get to her singing she leans forward. And starts singing. Her voice washing over every one. The beauty of it surprising even the band. A wide smile spread across sandy's face and all her fear disappeared. She pulled her hair tie off and her long hip length auburn hair falls around her. As she becomes more energized.
    Elizabeth runs into the concert as sees sandy on stage.
    "Death will fail. angel blood will spill. death its self will scream. then With each beat of the drum the earth will shake. With each strum of the base the water will stir. With each blast of the guitar the air it's self will fly away. With every word spread in her beautiful voice fire will come forth. And the song will bring forth lucifer." The angel gadreil reads the prophecy aloud from a platform.
    "The time is here. Today we will war with the demons and we will be victorious."
    Hundreds of angel's swords rise into the air as the armies of heaven prepare to follow gadreil into battle.
  5. Good update...I hope this FF won't end soon, it's amazing and I want more...
  6. Like it... But updates take forever... It's been like a year now..
  7. My last update was three weeks? the new one is this weekend
  8. When is the next update...I waited weeks for the last one, I don't want to wait that long again...please update already
  9. Shinigami, you idiot D:<
  10. I stopped reading after "11 year old gabby" 
  11. I really like this
  12. Bumpy bumpy bump
  13. Alright...hurry up with the updates please, its getting to be quite boring waiting for the next update, and its been over a month waiting for yet another update...once again...
  14. Please wall me when the next update comes! Nonetheless,I will still keep bumping on!