why would you be scared only death is in the dark

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by steelwolfe2, Sep 4, 2012.

  1. This is am awesome story I luv luv luv it
  2. Well I know someone who isn't lying, tarru. 
  3. BUMP!!! I !!! Update ASAP!!!
  4. Haha! 
  5. This is amazing! I live the whole beauty and the beast sort of thing. Bump and Update!
  6. Bump! Update plz :)
  7. Will update tonight
  8. Death stands up to leave when a scared nurse walks in. She clearly lost a bet so she had to go and get him.

    "Um... Sir? The little girl is ok. she's going to be just fine. She also keeps asking for her dark savior. I'm guessing that's you."

    Death smiles and every one in the room feels a great happiness inside of them as the scales of the universe start to tip. He walks back to her room smiling and every patient he passed who saw his smile was instantly healed.

    He opened the door slowly and walked in. The little girl smiles up at him from the bed. That's when her doctor walks in. The man literally pisses him self on the spot. No one told him the person she was with was death!

    He jumped at death yelling

    "you will not take her!"

    Deaths smile fades at this man leaps at him.
  9. Bump and update.
  10. Ⓜ
  11. Will update soon
  12. Deaths hand out stretches and grabs the mans hand. To the mans surprise (Thanks to the stereotypical image of death so often seen in everyday life), it wasn't bone.

    Death grabs the mans face and slams him into the ground. He raises the scythe high above his head. Gabby yells.

    "No don't do it! You're a hero, not a monster. The man was only scared. Please don't kill him. Please."

    The scythe cuts through the air and slices right through the man, passing right through him and having no effect. Death takes the skull mask off of his face and looks into the doctors eyes. The doctor stares right back into those blood red eyes.

    "My powers do not effect the living. now get out."

    The doctor bolts out of the room as fast as his legs can carry him. Gabby giggles at the smell of urine in the air and death looks at the poor girl and thinks to himself.

    Does she really think I'm good? Or is this girl so sadistic that this is her own definition of good...
  13. Love it. The while concept of Death actual being someone is interesting.
  14. It's a-mazing!!!!!!!
  15. I don't get it. It's confusing
  16. What is confusing about it?
  17. Gabriel stands in Gabby's house, angrily smashing random items. Suddenly, the room goes cold and grows dim. He hears a voice in his head. He falls to his knees at the sound and starts to mutter.

    "Yes I understand...
    No no I tried to...
    But sir if I try to...
    I understand.
    It will happen.
    The girl will die."

    Gabriel turns around to see his team has arrived. The angels stand around the room, each wielding a flaming sword.

    "We are going to kill the girl. I want you, my team, to hold death down. I want you to force him to watch as I kill the little girl that he adores so much."