You're getting better Tristan. Soon you might not need an editor! But not too soon. I like this job
Gabby hugs Death tightly. Death stares down at the little girl hugging him. Suddenly, she lets go and falls. Due to the glass still in her leg and the blood making a large pool on the floor death reaches for the girl. And stops. He looks at Gabby. "Should I save her? but I'm death! I've never saved any one before!" Death thinks to him self. "Don't save that girl she's supposed to die." Gabriel says, entering the room from the shadows. Death looks at him, worry in his eyes. "But she doesn't think I'm a monster. She's happy." Death says as he picks her up. "Gabriel you will never stop me from saving her." "You don't even know her name." Gabriel pleads. "And you don't know mine." Death says angrily. "Then you leave me no choice." Gabriel draws his flaming sword.
Death leaps at Gabriel. Slicing his scythe, he opens a portal. As it slices death reappears in the hospital and gives gabby to the nurses who are still trying to process what just happened. Gabriel slices the air where death just was. "No! Damn it he's going to figure it out. I have to stop him." Death sits in the waiting room of the hospital, the scythe sitting on his lap. All the people stare at him in fear and amazement. A little boy, around 4 or 5, runs up to him and kicks him. "I hate you. I hate you! You took my daddy away. Why would you do such a thing? He was my daddy. I want him back." The little boy falls to the ground and crys. Death stands. The mother of the boy can see the sadness in deaths eyes, but her own anger has overcome her ability to care. She carrys her son away as he cries for his lost father.