Why Me?

Discussion in 'Best Of' started by *kayleeann2327 (01), Jun 28, 2011.

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  1. Not trying to be rude in any way, but I find irony in the fact that the story is called why me? and everybody is picking on each other.... AKWARD:/
  2. :3 I want read..the last bit c: I've been waiting for a while lol
  3. Sorry guys I've been gone all week. My bro FINALLY left the house without his iPod so I stole it for a little bit. I can't write off this one because I want a copy of the chapter after. I can't do that on here because I would have to delete it so my bro doesn't see. It's a complicated situation /: I'm sorry for the wait though! I hope to get my iPod fixed this weekend though!! So wish me luck on that and I hope to be on again soon. Love y'all! See ya soon. 
    -Kay 
  4. Atleast you wrote on your original one!
  5. I'm goin to read the whole story again I might of forgot some stuff lol well take your time to get Ur iPod fixed!
  6. I think we are all ready for youto finish this story and start up your next one Kay 
  7. Bump bump bump 
  8. Bump, bump, bump.
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