why is everyone on here overly sensitive

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *Evie_14 (01), Mar 18, 2014.

  1. Obviously we aren't that dense.  You're most likely 14, based on your username. It's either your age or a lucky number or something. Not that much older/younger than the rest of us.
  2. I think the Idiot is 13
  3. 14- lucky number
    I'm 91 though
  4. You guys should try 68... It's like 69... But only one person is doing all the work ?
  5. Sweet, you noob, get out. ?
  6. Noob, how original. Good one
  7. I'll be 21 in 4 weeks :D
  8. Is your name Sweet? I didn't think so. 
  9. She's clearly 14. 
  10. Alright guys, I know were all best buddies and you all clearly love me because I'm fantastic. But I deleting the app because tbh its really fucking boring. I know I'll be dearly missed, don't cry too much. Cheese out.
  11. Byeee.  Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
  12. ^ truest thing you have ever said Evie!!
  13. Bye cheese face
  14. I thought I finally made a friend :(