Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Lit48, Aug 31, 2011.

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  1. Okay we do have contact with the developers. But hardly as much as moderators do. I'm commenting on more than I meant to comment on. I'd like to leave this thread now before you get ugly.
  2. Key question who do you think controls the support emails? Ohh I know Elmo(Noo!) The developers control the email who else do you think it is? Chief of police?
  3. Nope. Not Elmo. Did you not read my post above the one you just posted, or..?
  4. Wow your a noob.
  5. i'm going to say that i'm a curry bottler who lives out of a basement and that i like long walks on the beach. so i know nothing about anything that doesn't involve how to wrap shoes or curry.

    Given that their company has made free games with elements/points that can be purchased in game to speed up certain things. There is no precedent for them to charge anyone for playing.
  6. Not really. I've been playing for a while now. Not long enough to get my 90 day award but long enough to know the aspects of the game and the forum.

    To use the word noob as an insult the person has to actually be a noob. Read it and weep. 
  7. Btw you're* 
  8. Your one to cursed your not a dev you think your so high and mighty just because your a mod I'm out this is child's play.
  9. You're and too*

    How long have you been in the forums? I've just seen your name come up like two days ago.
  10. i'm going to lock this before i say things i shouldn't.

    My curry gives me some special advantages over the normal moderator.
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