Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Lit48, Aug 31, 2011.

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  1. They freak out because sexters could easily violate minors online. That stuff is illegal and people can't stand the thought of it.
  2. Better answer then most would say :)

    And fail troll begone
  3. What i'm going to say is very true: Sexters don't affect the majority of the game.

    The majority of the players rarely use campus chat or the forums. They use walls, PM and club chat.

    The perception that sexting is a big problem is also false. What is true is that there are alot of ppl out there looking to make friends.

    Most players that leave have had little or no impact on the game, they have often never accomplished anything for themselves having been spoonfed their stats.

    It's probably true that they may go to other ATA games. Or have come from other ATA games and didn't want to start from scratch.
  4. Users are leaving because this game is staying the same and users are getting bored. If you feel like it's effecting you then email support and tell them your situation and that we need new features.


  5. before simply asking for features you can attempt to make suggestions threads in the question/feedback. Sound your ideas off on the rest of the community.

    If it ends up getting polished, your idea will look alot better. Once you feel you have a good idea that sounds like it has alot of good pro's and little con's, email support with your thread link.
  6. Yes you are correct cursed it has to be a reasonable feature. But who knows telling them your situation could move them to "up" the application.
  7. If you have played their other games, there are other features that could be brought in very easily.

    However different games are at different points in their lifecycle. The majority of the player base has less then 5k stats. There are very few changes at present that would benefit them.

    There could be changes in the pipe that need approval by head-developers. There could also be changes in the pipe that may need to be approved by Apple. Who knows???
  8. They might start charging for this application.
  9. and tomorrow gas could be paid for using tissue paper.

    Why make dramatic assumptions
  10. Woot I can buy a bunch of gas for mh car 
  11. Well alot of ppl har school now, it's hard 2 make money, I've never quited but many of my close friends left, but I am ganna leave cuz of school, but I'll be here weekends
  12. Wow cursed you are saying it like it's a way out of the way chance,it's more money for their company,I swear I don't see how you received your privileges,you don't think towards possibilities,you only said that to get a simple laugh.
  13. You don't know half of what she knows about the game or its developers so you don't know whether it's out of the way or not..
  14. Charging For An App? Oh yeah they'll charge for an app when the sun turns rainbow colors, paying for gas with tissue is an unrelated joke to the statement,cursed said it like that they never charged for apps and it was illegal,taking up for cursed won't help you this is between cursed and I.
  15. So u got banned for asking adults on an adult game.yet they let children under 17 post and do nothing.where does this make sense.so I get booted..I'm calling my lawer
  16. I'm really not trying to take up for her. I just don't understand why you think you know more than she does? Maybe ATA has a plan to leave all of their apps free for everyone. You don't know.
  17. Who said I know more than her? I don't care what she knows,she obviously doesn't think enough if she think that it is impossible to charge for an app WHY NOT it's more money for them and they could start making the game more interesting you need the equipment to make it all come together.
  18. The way you talked to her made me assume you thought you knew more than her. What you are saying is understandable but don't just knock her comments out of the way. She is a moderator and she has contact with the developers. We do not. Her comments are important and could clue us in on what the devs are thinking. Just remember that next time you say that she doesn't think toward possibilities.
  19. Why do the moderators need to know the plans? They don't tell them because they don't have to or else they would be going around yelling out plans that may not happen.
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