Discussion in 'Wars' started by -BAD-crock-, Aug 18, 2013.

  1. To me farming is a something that people do to grow foods.
    And anyone can hit any person any amount of hits. That's called playing pimd
  2. I like food and like playing pimd so im good 
  3. Let's all hire crock :D

    I love when people make these threads..
  4. i dont want hired
  5. D: i wish they would upgrade
  6. Im working on upgrading through bl 
  7. Ug faster so you'll be on my bl :D
  8. Ok as long as you dont cry on my wall to 
  9. Who is this directed to because I don't see you explaining what battle list is to those you're hitting? Are you just looking for attention?
  10. Where else would i find them im not searching clubs for people to hit
  11. I love hitting off the battle list or from the peeve in wc. It's the only reason to play this game 
  12. Its the only way to play they wouldnt have put a bl on here if they didnt want you to hit it 
  13. Because you are a hardcore gamer with a really fat belly? ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟
  14. Isnt farming hitting repeatedly every regen for hours/days/weeks/months
  15. The farming definition I learned when I joined in 2011 is "Attacking someone 4 or more times within a hours time"
  16. But sometimes i do four hits max per player on bl imma farmer?
  17. I learned it was 5 hits consecutively.