Why Forums is Failing

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by RevolutionaryWolf, May 17, 2015.

  1. Give us our stars back. Only thing I care about
  2. ๎Ÿ๎ŸGreat thread, wolf! Support!
  3. Your argument for the inability to have serious discussions here has been something I've mentioned before, and something I wholeheartedly agree with. Nearly everything is always claimed "inappropriate" to talk about here, and it speaks to the intelligence and maturity of a lot of the posters here now.

    There are more and more posts that function, essentially, the same way as a 3rd party chat app group, and less posts that are meaningful. It is alarming, however it is something that has remained to be changed for years now.

    Unfortunately, I fear the frequent posters of today aren't capable of changing that. Nor do they want to.
  4. The free speech excuse most people don't understand, I made a thread about it before but freedom of speech means freedom from political persecution for speaking out against your government. It does not protect hate speech towards other individuals.
  5. Omg wolf go cry to your mom.. Forums is trash and will always be.

    Wolf is sad shed some tearz