Why Forums is Failing

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by RevolutionaryWolf, May 17, 2015.

  1. I agree with this, to be honest I even miss the trolls that would talk crap on my threads because at least they were actually talking instead of just posting a gif.

    My threads are made up mostly of memes and my rambling mumblings about things, but they have content and context, whereas most gifs that are used are just posted there, nothing else is said. It's a complete lack of an original thought in my opinion unless you yourself made that gif which I highly doubt most do. Jopos thread with the gifs is the exception to that as everyone can relate to most of the gifs he posts.

    Also a thing I've realized is with my threads I make people will wall me, gift me, or pm me telling me how much they like my thread but they do not post on the thread so after about a little while it dies and gets left in the back alleyway of pimd forums.

    I miss discussion threads, and I miss funny threads.

    And maybe I'll start contributing to forums again perhaps. 
  2. Everything I had on my mind. Thank you. ?
  4. Wowow. ;-; I think most of my comments have meaning to them and ya know? I'm dope asf.
  5. Then how did u get banned? Lul
  6. Umm. Being too deep and symbolic to forums?

    indecent conduct
  7. Tsk tsk tsk polo
    You a roll model to sum

    With great power comes great responsibility
  8. Both of your names sound like deadly diseases.
  9. As long as bodies hit the floor I'm good
  10. I was talking with Kaname on another app and he quit/retired because PimD is just boring now lol

    He was one of my favorites


  11. The game itself and forums are separate, I think. I mean we don't exactly go to forums looking forward to a post from the devs. We keep coming back for what the players have to offer and lately there isn't much anymore. A lot of it has to do with the player attitude which makes a lot of great forumers feel like it's a waste of time even trying to put some effort into something here.
  12. Now that is janga
  13. I remember the many arguments Candy used to have. They were quite entertaining
  14. I think one of the problems is that players don't on forums don't get along. They don't talk to each other and it's usually the same people that post. Players who sometimes do posts get written off. It's like whatever I don't care what you think blah blah blah, but I will tell you why im right.

    This game has been out more or less 4 years so even though there's people who say here's my idea old players who have been on this game for a long have probably already seen it... A lot of times.

    There's not really new content when it comes to threads either. Some just seem silly or they just say hi. There's not much in those. Then you have long ones that don't really say anything. I haven't been on forums like I use to but I just see the games, comics, song lyrics, pimd, hunts, and reasons why people don't like this game, or leaving threads.

    Forums isn't really place anymore for people to share anymore. No new players comment or old players comment. It's like people just given up on it.
  15. I'm not saying it's you, but many "veterans" of the game and forums and the like, have strong nostalgia. Due to how they saw the "glory days" they reminisce.

    Similar to how an old man might utter "back in my day!" etc.

    But another issue is, the amount of players actively posting :| which leads to the same old flaming and trolling from the same ones that do everywhere. Probably wrong, but that's from my experience.
  16. Lol I said the same thing before. I think they really only liked it is bc people got along and they're a lil upset that those players left the game. It leaves a bitter taste afterwards
  17. Oops my bad :D

  18. Oh no not like that! I made a comment similar to it before. I even used an old pic bc it was annoying. It was like yeah those days were cool but we're in the present. Have a good time with the new players now
  19. Well said.