Why Forums is Failing

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by RevolutionaryWolf, May 17, 2015.

  1. lel nah I got a Perm one earlier this week. They just caught me on something stupid.
  2. But they changed it to a 24h after a simple email, correct?
  3. Whole reason why I barely make threads anymore is because people won't be serious or ignore my threads so I decided to lurk and read others that catch my attention.

    I wanna make more threads but I don't think forums is ready for me yet. ?
  4. He said hardly guys not never.... Js
  5. Nah. It was a crap ban that a certain mod reported. Aye but yolo. I served a 2 month ban back in November for telling pimd_c something hilarious but offensive.
  6. Mars you are the worst troll I have ever seen. You're not funny, you're just rude
  7. This is very true, myself and a few other have tried to make forums a better place, and yes we still argue or make jokes but we strive to create a better atmosphere then the outright horrible comments that u see from some people.

    ps. Yes i have made mistakes before
    Pss why do people keep refering to me xD
  8. First time looking at forums in months, and it's depressing. ?
  9. Not depressing. Just not helpful and very childish
  10. Hath no one clicketh thy links?
  11. I did :) I think people should really go on your links...it was a good idea.

    I agree with the original post wolf
  12. I agree with this too, forums was another way of connecting the pimd community, I think its lost it's way abit, used to be people sharing parts of their lives, where we all could in some way connect with.
    We are better agreed, let's not be shadows :) :D ?
  13. I see what you're saying. You are right.
  14. You left out one thing, if new player makes a thread with a idea for the game, it quickly get shut down with 80% of responders saying no support. But if someone who lives in forums that is consider a known figure in this app, if they post the same exact idea, it gets praised and supported. Which that detour newer players from adding good ideas to forum.
    A good idea can become a great idea when other great minds come together.
  15. Yes, Very true. I have said that my self.. I call it #BANWAGGON
  16. This thread has so many valid points I don't know where to begin. So I'll just say that I agree and support with what nick said. The threads that are interesting are few and far between. On the bright side, most threads that are lacking in content and that are made purely for attention have begun to be locked up. We're all probably guilty of trolling per say, it can be entertaining for sure, but it has gotten a bit out of hand. I still read forums everyday, its like my morning newspaper,but it has become kinda boring and quite negative.
  18. Yep
  19. Since this thread has yet to die,

    You can't just blame this one the players. ATA Staff are assholes (booty holes)too. There are hardly ever anymore idea threads because... ATA obviously only cares about the bling. Devs can't fix simple stuff like multi gifting because all they're concerned about is how much money they are making and which hunt they're planning to repeat. Js.