Why Forums is Failing

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by RevolutionaryWolf, May 17, 2015.

  1. :/ I comment on everything because why not? ? took me 6 months to get all these posts and for people to actually know me ;-; kinda sad but yeuh. I love when a thread gets derailed because they're usually hilarious. Most people get way too serious and take it up the ass. ?
  2. Up the what now? ?
  3. All this is obvious bro.
  4. I don't see everything as having to be funny. I've posted some not-so-funny threads before, but I see your point. If anything, I think the situation is more affected by mob mentality - one player starts picking on another player and then everyone jumps in because it's "funny" to harass people who want to be taken seriously. I've noticed, after having a series of arguments myself, that it's best to just ignore the immature people. If you don't feed into what they're trying to accomplish, they'll leave you alone ??
  6. I posted something just wanting people to comment ideas for holiday avitars and then someone came in there to just talk crap and be rude :/ not what I had in mind so now the threads just nothingness
  7. that may have been me lol. what was it called

  8. Lol I'm like 90%it wasn't you. But (it got misspelled) so its avitar ideas the fourth halloween and other holidays. Something to that kinda thing.
  9. ^ it the was the legitpeasant. An alt.
  10. Oh :/
  11. Oh. (Am I an alt?)
  12. You also gotta remember there will always be people who delight in bringing others down. So you have to learn how to distinguish if the person is being serious or just trolling you for fun.
  13. This is a great thread  it's about time someone discussed this issue
  14. lel da hell.
    "Issue" I don't even see you a lot for you to say its an issue.
    Active topics is eventually gonna become like fanfic.
  15. This games forums fails because of the spam threads and fail trolls that don't get forum banned.

    Why would someone waste their time on a nice thoughtful thread when the only people that comment are the same trolls that post on everything else?
  16. Threads suck now lol i used to open forums every day now i go a few days without them.
  17. I used to get in a "debate" almost every day but people don't know how to argue without being too stubborn. Facts and logic have been thrown out the window when it comes to arguing.