Why dont tutors get a choice? What is consent?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by HaBaek, Aug 1, 2021.

  1. Farming isnt against the rules lol. If your mate don't want farmed then pay cf. Farming is part of the game. As long as he isnt asking for ec value things for cf then its allowed. He can farm for as long as he wants. But generally farmers dont target a 'for life' farm on someone unless they are a fuckwit or did something really bad
  2. Wait, what's wrong with being made to look at someone?
  3. Its offensive to look at people. sToP lOoKiNg At MeEeEee
  4. [​IMG]
  5. He does not want CF. He's farming her for life. He's a fuckwit.
  6. What did she do that hes targeted her for a life farm tho. Theres always 2 sides to it
  7. I've often thought it'd make sense for tuts to have a way to drop their pup the same way pups can drop tuts. Even if it's at a financial disadvantage to the tut in question like the reverse. Tuts have zero control over who hires them and short of asking people to hire them away there's nothing they can do. But the larger they/their value is the less chance of someone hiring them away. Locking in to a pup, nah. But being able to make the choice to drop them? That'd make sense tbh
    HerGrace likes this.
  8. Didn’t read the whole thread, but since we are on this topic, Im in need of pup and tuts.

    Thank you. I will hire with consent if that’s what you are into. :)
  9. Hire me
  10. Your pupil has no effect on your game. Fuck that would bring a whole nother level of fuckery with the game when it comes to cf from farming if they could just go after someones tut and make then drop their pup to make that person lose so much shit
  11. True 😂 but people care a lot about pup/tut relationships especially more established players, even if there's no effect from pups.
  12. If they care so much then they can pay someone to hire them. Or never upgrade so that the pup can keep up with their value and keep them over priced
    Muschi and V_Witchy_101 like this.
  13. She was nice to him. He believed they were dating when they were just in game rs. She even told him she was going on a date and he went nuts and started to farm her for life. No cf
  14. Ahh one of them sissys LOL. Have fun with that
  15. Oof.., yes one of them and he's a twisted fuckwit to boot. 🤦
  16. Why farmers hit the rs of the club their hitting?....my admin is not part of the club they hitting,shes only an rs..the farmer told me bcoz her rs is in sfw so shes included too..is this legal???and the cf is 5 bento or 25mcs..she don't even have a bento
  17. She's helping the club they're hitting by being rs-ed with someone there and giving them that stat boost. So yes, she is involved.
    Muschi and V_Witchy_101 like this.
  18. Yes its legal lol. 5b is cheap af compared to most cf terms
    Muschi likes this.
  19. Tbh their club should be defending their member if they think it's BS. Make the people hitting her cf.