Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by ForeverAlice, Nov 11, 2019.

  1. It took me forever to figure out how to make a new thread. Also I just feel like there are so many features that it's not really mobile friendly anymore?

    I'm not sure how to explain. It looks very nice but the format is far from intuitive and a bit difficult to use. Like I doubt I will be using all the features because they're a tad confusing.

    Let me know if you have any tips and bits to help me. Okay but all these changes I still can't upload a picture directly from my gallery? Sad.
  2. Also I'm not a "new member" what? Ew!
  3. Anyone who has used forums since it’s update in late June 2019 is considered a “New Member” the only way to change that is by receiving a specific amount of likes across your posts.
    Muschi likes this.
  4. Trust me, we a thought the same but you get used to it. We're all Forum Karens now 🤷🏻‍♂️
    ForeverAlice, Muschi and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  5. I personally find the “new” forums rather easy to use but maybe that’s because I’ve had a lot of time to adjust to them. I recommend checking out The Guide to The New Forums by @Kefo if you’re still having trouble, maybe check out the new guide on how to upload images & Gifs from @Oni too.
    Carrie, Muschi and GodTierOni like this.
  6. How everybody from cork board forums felt when they posted in new forums for the first time 🤣
    ForeverAlice, Muschi and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  7. @RyanReynolds The effort required to become well known now seems way become my scope. I suppose I will settle for active. Does that require likes? I'm not sure i'm likeable.
  8. Cork board forums! I like that! And yes the old version of forums was absolute shit but *Nostalgia*
    GodTierOni and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  9. Yeah tbh after messing about for a bit, it's very well done. I didnt have type bbcode to quote this
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  10. It requires 150 likes total 🙆🏻‍♀️
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  11. I do miss old forums sometimes for it's simplicity
  12. I still dont like it tbh
    zoe-the-fiend and WhoTfIsWesday like this.
  13. The new forums is pretty neat and more convenient imo but I'm not a fan of having to zoom in sometimes because my phat thumb likes pressing everything else 🙃

    Moderator actions are also really confusing to me too. Used to be a simple lOcK tHReaD but now it's a "make not threat the open" thing. My brain is simple ok 💔

    But a tip I have is to trust the preview option or what you see as you're making your thread/reply. It will post as you see it so if you don't see the image you're posting then it won't post it correctly.
  14. Coz they’re bananas
  15. I was confused as fuck when come back to forums changed took aaaaaaagges to find where shît is how to work it I can do it now tho still like normal forums more then this new 1 tho
  16. I don’t mind it. It’s changed before and for new people, this is probably a lot easier than before. Maybe someone should make a comparison between layouts and count the amount of steps that it took a user to do certain things before vs the amount of steps it takes them to do things now.

    Maybe there should be a rating given for those steps based on ease of use or how intuitive each step is... idk. Maybe some of us may be surprised at how much more simple/difficult things are this way. I remember being bombarded with requests from people to check their coding before. I’m sure others were bombarded with similar requests and now... you probably aren’t anymore for various reasons.
  17. This is because you are a nub

    Mmm and chill my guide to new forums was more or less a comparison to the old forums. Pointing out improvements and drawbacks.

    Biggest drawback that sticks with me is that the search feature became worse to the point that I don't use it anymore. I used to use it to navigate properly but now it's too restrictive so I can't find anything I want.
    Muschi likes this.
  18. I find the search feature much easier to use compared to the old forums
  19. It's simplified to the point that many of the old parameters that we used most and felt were the most useful are now gone.
    Muschi likes this.
  20. Well I struggled to use the old forums search bar so simple is great for me