who thinks its wrong for 13 and under kids to be on here??

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *bettybella1 (01), Jun 9, 2011.

  1. The WTF are you saying
  2. I'm saying puberty comes earlier for almost the same reasons why kids have sex earlier.
  3. Just cause puberty comes earlier is no excuse to have sex younger
  4. It isn't but all they hear about is how great it is. They've been hearing probably since they were kids
  5. Kids can't have sex because a kid can't take care of another kid
  6. Tell that to them.
  7. They probably won't listen though
  8. It's true though.
  9. When I was 11 , I had already seen things much much worst than what
    People say here.

    Age is merely a number, maturity is what counts.

    If your 10 , but really mature, then I'm fine.
  10. It is and they're curious.
  11. They need to wait if they don't they're whores
  12. Then they'll be called whores.
  13. They are whores
  14. And? Society changing.
  15. Society won't change
  16. It won't change?
  17. It's not fair for all of you to judge us as a group or to call us whores. We're all individual and not everyones having sex, sure were maturing faster and going through puberty quicker but thats still no reason for you to judge us all as whores and stuff. Oh and also your nobody to tell us to get off this game, were here because we want to and don't worry about us, were learning nothing new we dont already know.
  18. Two of the most mature people I know on this game are under 18 and one is under 14.

    Neither are age discriminatory and, unless you ask them, you really won't know their ages.

    Maybe that's something you should think about before making a post like thus to condemn them all.