Who Needs Dumplings??!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Tosin, Feb 3, 2014.

  1. I have 0 ...
  2. i don't have dumplings yet. can you give me some?
  3. I do not think OP gives dumplings…

    kind people on pimd does…

    thanks to anyone that gifted me … dumplings or lanterns.
  4. I need 34 more dumplings to reach my goal. Dumplings would be greatly appreciated :)
  5. I need just 1…
  6. People who are in need of food
  7. Ok now everyone needs a dumpling....ok i'll do sth...there should be a dumpling war design contest on my wall...the person with the loveliest design gets some dumpling...how desperate are you?
  8. Me i want dumplings
  9. she will give to the best wallarter (is that even a word)
  11. is this still up for grabs? hehe one cte lil dumpling i'll be fine thanks in afvance 
  12. i need Dumplings plz ty
  13. I need some plz