Who Needs Dumplings??!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Tosin, Feb 3, 2014.

  1. (Cough cough) Most people already have one .......
  2. See knew there was a catch seems ppl didn't read everything
  3. How can dumplings cost ,money??????
  4. I need one pls
  5. I would like on if you can still send some, please and thank you
  6. Could I have one please?
  7. Can i have one? :)
  8. Me i want i dont have one :(
  9. *ahem* Me too.
  10. May I have a shell I have none ╮(╯_╰)╭
  11. I'd like some dumplings! 
  12. I need dumplings please
  13. I need dumplings please
  14. me plz if u can
  15. NUM NUM!!!!!!!