Who Knows Me?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Zoony, Sep 10, 2011.

  1. Hun, just because you two pm'd doesn't mean she dated you ;) -
  2. I don't mind talking to ppl on this game ... I love to hear people's thoughts, happiness, bad memories or etc. U guys r just jealous of me 
  3. Jealous of?
  4. When did I say talking was a bad thing? 0.0

    I said just because you two pm'd DOESN'T mean you DATED.

    That better? -
  5.  when did I said tht she dated me!!! I said Scarlet-Valentine went out with me!! U hv wrong idea kido, read carefully before what u say
  6. Jealous of you.... 
  7. Wait you said they were your GF's here. Why change story on thread.

    I have 10 people that saw you say it.

    Dont backtrack now

  8.  I would we be jealous of a useless thread maker and a ignorant child like you.
  9. Read the first page of your thread OP, hell some people  -
  10. LOL yeah I said tht but u miss tracking it by saying weird stuff as Betty-Decker dated me?  wtf I live in Canada and she lives in America or somewhere else I don't know.. And yes I said tht those ppl r my GFs lol so what?
  11. Wait a minute Zoony... You did say that Betty Decker was your gf till Zam took her away. 

    Getting nervous now, eh?
  12. This is a GAME!!!
  13. Why do you date people
    In the world!! I understand if you just role playing in The game cuz that's pretty much what it is!!
  14. I m still not sure tht Zam took her away or it was some1 else but I know tht Scarlet and Betty hangout with each other most of the time  they don't want me to interrupt
  15. Am i speaking a funny language here?

    You said Betty was you gf.
    That means you two dated.

    What part of the statement confuses you? Because I think you confuse yourself. :lol: -
  16. I never said you dated her I said you claimed she was your PIMD GF.

    Read my first post

  17. Zoony  it's apoc! Lol