who is the most popular person or well known person im pimd

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by afif-_-, Sep 30, 2013.

  1. Now we getting somewhere folks
  2. Oh I forgot, Juubi also
  3. Irem
  4. Juubi
    Lol probably basically all of the mods
    There's sooo many that you hear their name so much, but that's not limited to just old players there's new players who you also know by name and hear their name everywhere. Because they're active and are always around...like
    Justin (who's old school and should be up ^ but I'm to lazy )
    Alice (foreveralice)
    And soooo many more ? don't hate me if I didn't mention you it's really to much to name
  5. We are getting great names now still so many I couldn't even list but great people that achieved more then people could know

    Like Pooh being top 5 and wasn't even LCBC

    Lembang having more money in one tutor then 99% of pimd have altogether right now...over a year ago!

    _Warrior being not only one of the first(and most successful) forum go-to guys and being T3 he was also the very first to get the Level 5 Eavesdrop 10,000 award just to get you the info on what it looks like before parties when most people had maybe 200!

    Fro (TERROR-Badboy-) being the creator of TERROR and changing the game for generations and really becoming one of the biggest influences ever

    AKAI(Creator of Pinoy Pride clubs and others but best known as founder of the Ace Family)
    The man who was owner of not only The Ace of Clubs but leader of all four Aces
    To this day known as the largest family in its prime having four main clubs with each having one to two sub clubs of its own as well as war clubs, family mingling clubs for all to visit, and two ABOS(Aces Battle of Sexes) clubs.

    Cookie for creating the first club

    Andso many more

    Lets keep it going guys

    We need some history here for the younger generations to see the rich history of pimd
  6. AKAI how could I forget brother AkAI the master and DannyOSSUM also
  7. O yeah who was that guy back in da old days use to write funny things on campus and say
    That is all
    I vote that dude
  8. How could you bro
  9. That was D1TCH
  10. PE-D1TCH these days I believe
  11. Thanx back in the day he made us all laugh at the weirdest times
  12. When he would drink
  13. That is all 
  14. Yeah o gosh i wish he wld start drinking again
  15. ️ATTENTION!!!️

    D1TCH is amazing 