who is the most popular person or well known person im pimd

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by afif-_-, Sep 30, 2013.

  1. Bosen , CEG, AKAI, Daddyyss, Mulva, Courzy, Fro, Ian, DannyOSSUM
  2. Popularity is like eating a PBJ sandwich.
  3. War-king is popular x
  4. Heng is the most popular person.He is awesome and a very nice person
  5. I remember when it was bosen or neon wolf lol back in the day. Oh my it was so long ago
  6.  I like PB and J sandwiches.

    People in PIMD come and go. The most popular will always change.
  7. Well said ski lol both lines
  8. I am! (.^_^.)
  9.  Don't you just love it when the game turns into a popularity contest?
  10. My Mother.
    Muschi likes this.
  11. 😂do you miss
    😂do u miss the old PIMD days?
  12. Oh wow Seth is still around.

    I know like 99% of the people (have interacted with them) that were being mentioned in the comments back then 🤔 90% are probably not known anymore

    Nowadays it's probably Mulva.
  13. Hmmm... interesting bump. Old forum links are useful
  14. imagine wanting to become the most popular in pimd
  15. Mulva, I mean she's mentioned in one of the jobs.
  16. What, really? Do I have to go back and read all the jobs now or can someone tell me which one? 😅
    Day likes this.
  17. I was thinking the exact same thing 😳
    Muschi likes this.
  18. Where is sin sweet honey?
  19. She sold her account and quat
    Muschi likes this.