Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -OFH-MICGOZ_V-ll, Apr 4, 2013.

  1. CJS!!!!
    How come people aren't mentioning him more?!?!
  2. Ya vanillia ice cream a legend too
  3. 
  4. JenO baby is my another legend 
  5. Aww irem baby you're my legend too 
  6. Because there's bigger and better legends than CJS, Hermes.
  7. Rose is one 

    But so am I.

  8. all these dead memories
  9. :/ CJS was kinda ehhh attention hungry.
  10. no he wasn't.
  11. Jose... Got silenced around 20 times a day for about 2 months. A new name every timeI'd stalk campus just to see if he was there
  12. That guy...

    2 weeks of staying up all night silencing him

    I'd so love to post who it was but I don't think he'd appreciate it lmao.
  13.  I vote myself because why not...
  14. If they were a true legend, no one would need to post that player's name on this thread.
  15. Rs_jet boy n rs_sweet_n_sassy two legends