OMG spank you rock don't know what happened to this thread, but I kinda like it. Mariah I need that pickle pop recipe please.
I guess your wifey didn't like thine Pickle?I'm so sorry you must ask an online game if we like pickles / your pickle. ?The horror!
First Pickle fact of the night. 1. In the Pacific Islands, natives pickle their foods in holes in the ground lined with banana leaves, and use them as food reserves in case of storms. The pickles are so valuable that they've become part of the courting process, helping a man prove he'll be able to provide for a woman. In Fiji, guys can't get a girl without first showing her parents his pickle pits.
Honestly, reading this thread gave me the total giggles. Such quality, and such stupidity in one. Solid post by me. 10 outta 10 for this thread.