*gives Taylor coffee and then disappears again* when I come back this better be updated or Kris I will track your skinny little ass down and make you update Jk Jk Jk Jk i love ya
Because of drama that I made on my own, I might need a while before I update... Or maybe I'll just update and won't rp anymore...
I'm going through a lot right now... I'll post what I've managed to write so far, and I'll try to get the rest in afterwards... CHAPTER 20(Part1): Initiation He waited for the fall, but after nearly a full minute he realized nothing was happening... He seemed to be walking on air... Kris took a tentative step forward, feeling his bare foot come in contact with something solid... Was it some sort of glass? He couldn't quite tell, as there was no sign of any smudging from his foot. He looked around and again saw the shore of the lake, and carefully walked towards it, stepping from one invisible spot to another. It was utterly terrifying, and the thought revolved in his mind that if he suddenly took a step and there wasn't something solid, he might actually hurt himself... He noticed that whatever he was walking on began to slope gently downwards, and as he reached the shore, it was only inches above the water. He took a step onto the beach, feeling the hot sand on his foot, and jumped, hopping towards a rock not far from him. When he reached it, there seemed to be a figure just behind it. He didn't know what to expect, and slowly approached, and soon realized it was simply a set of clothing, medieval style pants, a similar shirt, both rather plain-looking, and Kris assumed they were commoner's clothes. Kris looked down, realizing he was in his underwear, and immediately decided to take the clothes, even though they weren't really his... As he did so, however, his fingers hit something hard, and underneath the clothing was a sword belt, much more elegant the the clothing.