PhineasGage is amazing, he's basically been my pup since the beginning and I wouldn't trade him for the world. He's not only my pup, but a friend and very much like a brother. He's got my back whenever I've needed it, he's always there for questions and advice and never leads us astray. He's always there to help. He treats his tutors so well and we all really like him. He's a friend to all of us.
the best pup I've ever had... I'm one pain in their buts so I say they were all amazing JennBunn, Rehab_sweetandsour, rehab_mush and rehab_austin. But most of all I'd love to thank rehab_bluebutterfly because even though she has never been my pup she has always given me so much, my mentor love you simp
Rehab_bluebutterfly... There's nobody greater. Well even though I've been a pain in the ass, pupil has been there. Taught me a great deal game wise and in life. She is what u call a cut above the rest! Confused me at times with name changes. Without her I'd be a noob rehab_bluebutterfly I love u cos u are SIMPly the best ever️️
A freat pup wld be a pup tht is frendly and thought cos some pups just want u to get high kcs. And the game will nt be fun...
Unless everyone in the game hired me the for the amount of time each I can't really say. My pup is great tho (∩_∩)