where is izzer?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Guy, Nov 27, 2015.

  1. he was exposed and raged quit
  3. I thot he emo quit :?
  4. he did
  5. Izaac has left the premises.
    (Late for daycare)
  6. Idk why this guy acts like he ever left. We all saw you posting on campus and ignored you now for some reason they're feeding you again.
  7. again he is an attention seeker
  8. LOL. He's 15 and using some other persons picture. His gf broke up with him for it and so he quit PIMD. ?
  9. yes that is the exact story^
  10. I thot 14
  11. one of those two. He has a modeling letter for 15 and under up on this facebook LOL
  12. Please, don't call him back :| . Please :| .