When Opposites Attract

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by PieSexual, May 6, 2012.

  1.  oh my god this is amazing
  2. I keep thinking its update cause its a new page BUUUUMPPPPPPDAAAAAAATEEEEEEE
  3. This 'ere, is talent.
  4. Please update

    Por favor...
  6. BUMMMMPDATTTTTTE!!! Please!!! It's AWESOME!!!
  7. BUMP BUMP BUMP BUMP BUMP BUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    U said way earlier that this was a cartoon, what is it called and where can I watch it in the US?????????
  8. It's very violent
  9. It's very violent. 
    It is NOT a regular cartoon, I'm warning you before you watch it. And it used to be on television before it was taken down due to violence. It's now posted online.
  10. >.> Don't let your parents know you're watching it, you'll get grounded like I did
  11. Trust me, I'm NOT watching it. I watched one episode peeking through my fingers…  Terrifying
  12. 0.0 Oh my. Sorry for the wait. I honestly didn't expect me schedule to be this hectic. *blah blah, excuses, blah*
    Anyway, here it is! ^.^;
    When Opposites Attract - Chapter 12

    I found myself having an internal paroxysm as I walked down the hall, Flippy close by my side. It seemed that the route to the cafeteria was much longer than I had remembered, or it was just my anxious mind playing tricks on me yet again; I had nothing to worry about. Of course, when I tried to convince myself that I had nothing to worry about, plenty worrisome scenarios flashed through my mind. What would happen in lunch? What would my friends say? Would they even say anything? Would they refuse our company? Would-

    The presence of a warm hand wrapping around mine brought my thought process to a screeching halt. I directed a sideways glance up to Flippy, and he smiled lightly, his eyes crinkling at the corners just a bit. My breath caught- his smile was so gorgeous, and I struggled to compose myself yet again, my reaction earning me that musical laugh of his.

    "Don't worry, Flakes. It's alright." he said reassuringly.

    The minute he said it, I couldn't help but believe him. He managed to gain so much influence over me in such a short amount of time; it was almost pathetic how I practically exploded at his words. My cheeks heated up to a bright red in the realization that my reactions to his touches would probably be very different. I would melt.

    Somehow, Flippy and I managed to make it to the cafeteria without me dying of embarrassment, and as soon as we crossed the threshold of the archway, the atmosphere in the room changed dramatically. Multiple pairs of eyes shot towards us, most in blatant confusion or shock. Some people whispered; some even had the nerve to subtly point in our direction. I then realized that we would be the topic for discussion at many- if not all the tables in the cafeteria.

    I didn't even want to know the reactions at the table I normally sat at. But Giggle's chipper voice made me reluctantly look over anyway, meeting her knowing gaze.

    "Hey Flaky... and Flippy. Come sit!" she chirped happily.

    As much as I wanted to refuse, I felt my feet involuntarily move forward, shuffling towards my seat. I didn't want to come off as rude, or the girl who would ditch her friends for a boy. Flippy hesitated before taking the empty seat next to me, resting his free hand on the table as the others all looked at me expectantly. I awkwardly bit my lip, shifting my gaze around the room, before settling on the lunch menu that sat on the wall.

    "Uh... hi, Flaky." Cuddles said politely, managing a slight wave after Giggles threw him a look. "Hey, Flippy."

    "Hello." he responded, his lips turning up in a barely-there smile.

    Greetings sounded around the table, before the stillness turned into a discomfited chatter. Cuddles ate his lunch nonchalantly, adding to the conversation every once in a while. Lifty and Shifty continued snickering at something, but refused to reveal the joke to anyone who bothered to ask. Nutty kept biting a jawbreaker, despite it being bad for his teeth. Petunia was the quietest out of the others, murmuring something to Handy every few moments. Giggles arched an eyebrow at all of us, rolling her eyes before sitting up straighter in the plastic chair, grabbing her water bottle.

    "So! Elephant in the room- what's going on between you two?" she said, pointing an accusatory finger at the both of us, before taking a swig from her drink.

    Everyone at the table instantly looked at us both, eager for an answer, completely relieved that they weren't the ones who asked the question they all were dying to ask. I felt my cheeks turn as red as my hair, and instinctively leaned closer to Flippy, who squeezed my hand comfortingly. Giggles grinned in triumph as I averted my eyes, embarrassment plain on my face.

    "The answer's obvious enough." She snickered.

    "What answer?" a voice sounded cheerfully.

    I glanced up to see Splendid standing at the table, holding a tray of food. Flippy tensed at my side; it was a minor change in his posture, but enough to the point where I would even notice. Then Splendid finally noticed Flippy, sitting close to me, holding my hand, and his eyes narrowed slightly. The tension that fell over the table was unimaginably thick as the two silently stared each other down.

    "Splendid." Flippy said evenly.

    "Flippy." Splendid responded in the same quiet tone. "You're kind of in my seat." he added.

    "My apologies. I guess you're a bit too late." he responded.

    For some reason, I knew that what he said held more meaning than what the others thought. Splendid's grip on his lunch tray tightened somewhat, and he forced an obviously strained smile.

    "That's alright. I'll just pull another chair over."

    With that, Splendid grabbed an empty chair from the neighboring table, unnecessarily lifting it above his head, setting it right at the edge of the group, next to Giggles and Cuddles. Even though the two were separated and sitting at the opposite ends of the table, it was still blatantly obvious they were aware of each other; cautious of each move the other made, no matter how natural it was. It was ridiculous how oblivious the others were to the remaining tension... either that, or they were used to it, since Flippy and Splendid were old adversaries of some sort. I was still in the dark on the story behind that; nobody seemed willing to tell me about what happened between them.

    I let out a sigh, playing with the cap of my water bottle absentmindedly, trying not to focus on what was going on. My mind still managed to wander off to the current situation, running possible situations through my head as fumbled with the plastic ridges of the cap. Couldn't anything distract me?

    And as if he read my mind, Flippy reached over, gently tapping my hand. My cheeks instantly heated up as a burst of electricity shot through my veins at his touch. I glanced over at him, biting my lip timidly while I inwardly grumbled; I thought those feelings only existed in stupid romance stories. Apparently the shock I felt wasn't a fictional occurrence that authors loved to include in their novels.

    "Ah. Y-yeah?" I mumbled.

    "Are you alright? You seem a little... anxious." he asked, a hint of amusement in his tone.

    I blushed in embarrassment, the bottle cap dropping from my grip. Of course I was anxious; and now that he made a note of it, I became even more anxious. It was in the way I was wired, I guessed, that caused me to react so differently to what people said.

    I hated it.

    Flippy easily took the cap between his thumb and index finger, spinning it on the surface of the table like a makeshift top. Playing with the sleeve of my shirt, I watched the cap spin as I answered, my voice wavering slightly.

    "I-I-I guess I-I'm a-a bit a-a-anxious." I managed to stutter out.

    He chuckled lightly, stopping the cap by trapping it under his palm, before twisting it back onto the water bottle. I kept my eyes on the table, tapping my fingers in a continuous pattern. One, two, three-four, back to one-

    "It's alright, Flakes. Relax." he said, gently covering my hand with his own. That idiotic feeling of electricity returned, making the surface of my skin tingle as I looked up at him sheepishly. He smiled, squeezing my hand in reassurance.

    "Hello? You guys!"

    Again, we were interrupted by Giggle's high-pitched voice. My attention snapped back to her, and she arched an eyebrow, pouting melodramatically.

    "Did you two even hear me?"

    "I-I-I, ah"-

    She sighed, rolling her eyes.

    "Well, I'm throwing a Halloween party, and wanted you both to come!" she said, the former irritation in her voice melting away as she described everything.

    Apparently Giggles' Halloween parties were annual; every year she threw a rager that kept the school talking for weeks. It was held in an old cabin on the outskirts of town that she fixed up specifically for the party. The setting of the event already had me on edge; abandoned houses filled to the brim with teenagers, loud music, and (most likely) alcohol? That was a recipe for disaster.

    Or another one of my panic attacks, which was on par with a disaster.

    Giggles pressed her hands together in a pleading gesture, jutting out her quivering bottom lip as she widened her eyes to the fullest extent; pinning me with the most impressive puppy dog look I have ever encountered. It was impossible for me to refuse, how could I possibly? The only way would be if I didn't have a heart- or if it was made of stone.

    "You're going to go, right?" she asked in a completely innocent voice, causing Cuddles to roll his eyes.

    "Uh. I d-d-don't s-see why n-n-not"-

    I barely got the answer out before she broke character, grinning.

    "Yay! And you're definitely getting ready with me, I have so many costumes"- she rambled on, going down multiple lists of the multitude of homemade costumes she had in possession.

    I sighed, managing to tune her out as I pressed my face into my hand, before running my fingers through my hair. Halloween was in a few days; the date had snuck up on me because I hadn't gone trick or treating in years. That and Halloween parties weren't really my thing- parties in general weren't really my thing. I always ended up making myself look stupid in every social situation I found myself in.

    "What're you going to be this year?" Flippy asked, the question obviously foreign to him.

    "A-Apparently Giggles is d-d-deciding for m-me." I grumbled, quickly standing to my feet as the bell rang. "What a-about you?"

    "I've never really... dressed up for Halloween." he said, shrugging.

    "He doesn't need to. He's already in costume."

    Flippy arched an eyebrow at Splendid, who smirked as he casually got his notebook, tossing his lunch tray in a nearby trash can. I had no idea what caused him to be so... snarky all of a sudden; the two didn't speak for the whole lunch period.

    "Says the one who wears a mask and cape daily like something out of a comic book." he said, his voice holding plenty of repressed anger.

    Splendid rolled his eyes, adjusting the tie on his cape.

    "Here's the thing; I'm not masquerading as a hero."

    "I'm not pretending to be anything either."

    "C-can the b-b-both of you s-stop?" I asked quietly.

    The two paused, shooting each other the darkest looks ever.

    "Sorry, Flaky." they both mumbled.

    I quickly grabbed Flippy's hand, awkwardly leading him from the cafeteria. It surprised me how little the people in school- the town for that matter- noticed; like they were completely unaware of important things that were happening around them. Like a fight getting ready to break out.


    "Yeah?" he answered quietly, his voice now more reserved.

    "S-Splendid's g-g-going to b-be at this p-party, so p-p-please"-

    "I'll avoid him, Flakes. Don't worry."

    Of course, I couldn't help but worry for the rest of the day.
    Bam. Foreshadowing. Snarky Splendid. 0.0
  13. XD Splendid is a troll.
    ;L Giggles likes to annoy Flaky-
    >:L Wonderful job, Imani-
  14. Splendid is splendid. Cape is ****ing bau5.