When is Farming Extortion?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by HFA-DLRaider_BellasPrince_, Dec 3, 2015.

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  1. ILoveItWhenYouCallMeBigPoppa

    Oops, you didn't get that from me
  2. Ignorance really lol.

    Foot you gotta deal with the real cool ones. :lol:
  3. You're cool, Justin. I wanna grow up and be just like you
  5. That's cute.
  6. Support
  7. Can we pin this or nah? :lol: :cry:
  9. So demanding ec items for cf isn't ok but scamming people out of ec items is fine?
  10. Correct froot. Wouldn't wanna disrupt a scammer's gameplay
  11. ?
  12. Our extortion policy remains the same as when it was updated in October of this year.

    You can read the full details here.

    Again, as will all actions taken against players for violating our Terms of Use, final call is up to the discretion of our support team so there may be rare exceptions to these rules in extreme circumstances.
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