What's your name?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Zault, Dec 29, 2014.

  1. My name is zault's real life fiancé 
  2. I can't wait to get married <3 :*
  3. If your name is Giovanni and my nickname is Ash that makes you leader of team rocket. XD I shall take our your grunts and beat you to save my pokemon!
  4. :eek: congrats bruh

  6. Not this again. :roll:


    I'm still that fangirl ?
  7. Awww such a cutie Obama ^~^ now get back in my pm
  8. Woah. You can't have others in your pm
  9. My PM is completely empty don't worry about that Mon fiancée
  11. Promise 
  12. Good boo. Or Id be all upset.
  13. I'd never upset you boo xx ♡
  14. My name is Geoff ?
  15. My nose itches
  16. My name is Kamisha.. So, yeah.. Close. 
  17. My rl is nothing close to this stupid PIMD name (no offense to those other lexi's in the world) 