What's your name?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Zault, Dec 29, 2014.

  1. miss love

    I hate analies she so fat and very sassy and bosy
  3. Next name should be more reactive ;)
  4. Well the name I go by. Marco is the name my parents gave me. I know Ivy's real name though. Its hot as fuck. But not saying ?
  5. Marie ? pretty darn close lol
  6. Hmmm.... I wonder what mine is....
  7. To make an analogy for how far off mine is....mine is as far off as the ground is to the sun
  8. And tbh, then name I really wanna go by is Jacob, because tbh, I really don't like my name irl, and I wanna have a name that sounds rich when I'm older, that way nobody will know who I was in the past.
  9. My name is Trevor 
  10. Because I don't like my name anf its been my nickname for years

  11. Lieeeessss 
  12. I'm Denise a bit shorter to Dice?
  13. Extremely close :)
  14. Is it Michael?
  15. Is it Henry?
  17. Is Neesha a nickname?