What a cūck, where's your balls? Stand up for yourself That's what an op that meant no harm would've said
I see one adult and a kid flirting on forums, failing to do whatever it is they want to do. No one is stopping him nor getting involved, yet all of you talk about stopping pedòphiles on here. Ironic... Not only that, but isn't harassing someone against ToU and RoC? Mods can silence people for asking for straight sexual interactions, but not gay sexual interactions like what Noob constantly does on forums? Then didn't he get a guy banned for post count spamming, but he's also post count spamming. How many times has this plague posted "butthurt?" Is it a favoritism game or selectively silencing people? What do you depressed adults have against people NOT being a feminist P.O.S.?
I was in kitten's club and now in my own club, you wouldn't have been able to get me kicked from mal either -,-
No, you briefly joined a cat club, but I got you kicked. I hit you, while you were in kitten's club, because you claimed to be some big time farmer. I noticed you won't hit certain people with better built accounts. That's interesting.