What's up with everyone trying to get birth stone avis purely through gifts?

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by LeeJarrett, Jun 4, 2021.

  1. I can't be the only one annoyed by the sheer amount of people in campus constantly begging for birth stones and even turning it into some weird contest, like, "This is day 1 of me trying to get garnet through gift, please send, I'm at 44/800."
  2. I randomly post on campus that people should really learn to say please. The never ending gift demands are annoying. Especially from players that aren’t new.
  3. Im not bothered tbh. If people wanna gove them to others for free then thats up to them. No point getting all shitty coz of it its a waste of energy
  4. True, I see people straight up giving 200+ away to these people, and they're almost always noobs (both parties).

    I'm not, as you say "getting all shitty." To me, it's just that people seem to have moved on from that scam "Giving away 20🍱, first 5 people to gift me ____ gets 4🍱 each" to this, and I wonder how people come up with this crazy stuff and how it can stick so prevalently. 🤷
  5. Depends on my mood, but I'll usually give away like 100 to a lower stat player. Then like maybe 5 to higher stat people 😂

    It is annoying to see the spam ask for gifts all the time, but no rule against it so just have to look pass it
  6. I mean the scam ones i hate coz got no time for scammers. But asking for gifts i used to get shitty at it happening so much but now i couldnt care less
  7. Nobody asks me for shards 😔

    However, if someone does, I tend to give them all I have to help them with because why not? I don't really have a use for them.
  8. I give them away but only because I can't be bothered to sell them. I'm glad to see it just because I can use them, metaphorically, as my trash can to get rid of unwanted showcase items.
  9. I only give mine away to people who are on newer accounts OR genuinely need what they’re asking for (ex. “Please gift (blank) shards, only need 20 more!”) etc etc)

    I understand the annoyance of ppl selling bulk 100+ and only needing a few handfuls, which is why sometimes I gift a some, but people who routinely copy and paste about needing hundreds as gifts... no thanks.
    GoddessHailey likes this.
  10. People gonna beg especially for a popular and relatively cheap/uninteresting item that people don't mind giving away because they're kind of annoying how you can't avoid getting them.
  11. I’ve just realize
    + it’s beneficial for big players to give or generous for Karma sense
    Most new players are just looking for a cute avatar and a cute dorm as they are bored by the game and the moment they get it all free and quickly. They are quit / off the game as they have no more aspirations to continue playing the game
    Therefore less competition later on 🙃🤣 of new possible big player